Monday, June 16, 2008

I've Moved

Having seen blogs like A Journal of Impossible Things and The R[e]porter, I have decided that a move to Wordpress is in order. Henceforth i shall be blogging there, and i'm taking my blog archive with me. Ta ra.

Friday, June 13, 2008

42 Days

So apparently 69 per cent of us want a law that would allow suspected terrorists to be locked up for up to 42 days without charge. Its worrying to think that the majority of us believe in this completely undemocratic and immoral law.

I suppose it all depends on what question was asked:
a) Do you think suspected terrorists should be detained for a limited period before being charged while an investigation takes place. Perhaps yes.
b) Do you think people should be locked up for up to six weeks without being charged or being told why? I would say no.

The facts are that the current 28 day limit has not been a restriction up to now, and around half the people detained under the Terrorism Act have been released without charge. Of the six that made it to the end of the current 28 day limit, three were released without charge, with absolutely no further action taken by police. The other three were charged.

Such draconian laws do nothing to help fight the 'war against terrorism' and actually act as a propaganda coup for al-Qaida. I applaud David Davis on his resignation to fight against this bill. He found parliamentary voting unable to stop the laws passing, thanks perhaps in part to bribery and deal making by Labour in order to win the vote.

So far the only opposition he'll face in next months by-election is self-ridiculing former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie (with the backing of the Murdoch empire). Barring cowardice from Gordon Brown we should get a chance to see this unBritish law properly decided upon by the British people.

Just a shame only the people of Davis' constituency will be able to do this. The only think i can do to show my support is by engaging in the most popular modern-day democratic forum. Yes, I've joined the 'Support David Davis' Facebook group.