Friday, March 21, 2008

Upstaged - Jack of all Trades ...

Is this the future of TV?

Upstaged ticks all the boxes by being innovative in its use of multi-platform programming. Firstly it builds an online community through its web site, where they can have their say and vote on what will happen on the TV show. Then people can watch the show on BBC Three. Then if they really want more they can 'press the red button' and get extra live footage. I've heard a lot recently about the future of broadcasting, and multi-platform entertainment is a very dominant theme.

But is this what's its going to be like?!

It seems when the idea for this show was thought up they got to the point when they realised it would work across platforms and forgot about the rest of the programming making process, like the bit where you try and make it good. This programme is embarrassingly poor. I saw one the other day. There were no more than 20 people in front of the stage watching the live show, which included a comedy act that wasn't funny and a singer/dancer that could do neither. I also noticed that the charts logging online viewers votes did not have a scale to show if there had been four votes or four thousand. I suspect it was nearer the former.

I really hope that this is an experiment that is not continued. Before going all '360 degree commissioning' on us, please programme makers, get your priorities sorted and make the programmes good enough to work on just one platform first of all.

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