Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool!

April Fools days is the one day a year when journalists and broadcasters can have a bit of fun without just having to report what the latest poll says, or what Gordan Brown is about to do/is doing/has just done.

Here's a few of the best from today:

The BBC films proof of 'reverse evolution' by showing that penguins migrate to the Amazon.

The glamourous French President's Carla Bruni Sarkozy is employed by Brown to give Britain more style.

The Sun reports that England manager Fabio Capello wants the team all to learn Italian instead of him learning English.

The Metro reports BMW's latest invention to deter dogs peeing on their cars. Just zap them.

BBC local radio stations reported how the problem of immigrant staying too long in our country is being addressed the RSPB. They want to catch birds that are not native to our shores and take them home to where they belong.

And a nice one from Star Radio in Bristol. The statue of former slave merchant Edward Colston in the centre of the city is to be replaced by one of another famous son of the city: Justin Lee Collins.

And finally, when I first read this I thought it was geniune, then someone told me it must be an April Fools so I wasn't so sure. Pay-per-view funerals? You decide.

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